早川谷「寿プロジェクト」レター No.18
Dear readers,
拝啓(親愛なる読者 様)
The hot summer arrived earlier this year than usual. I hope that everyone in Kami-Hayakawa is well and that the heat is not giving any trouble to humans and to the work in the fields.
The KOTOBUKI tourist map project about the Hayakawa valley is progressing slowly. This bi-lingual tourist map is planned to invite foreign tourists as well as Japanese to visit and discover the beauty of the valley. We are now looking for any interesting sightseeing spots, hiking routs, cultural elements to experience, as well as places like the Higashiyama rice farm.
We would like to invite anyone to propose ideas of what to do and see in the Hayakawa valley. We are sure that there are a lot of hidden elements that are interesting for tourists to discover. The inputs of the people form Kami-Hayakawa will help us to make the tourist map an interesting one.
I very much look forward to receiving comments.
Please take care of yourself during the hot summer time.
Kind regards to everyone
Rolf Muller
ロルフ ミュラー